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Kinetic models

The kinetic model (indicated with -d or --model) indicates the type of exchange model to be used for data analysis, which can be one of the following:

Model NameDescription
2st2-state exchange model (default)
3st3-state exchange model
4st4-state exchange model
2st_rs2-state exchange model for residue-specific study
2st_hd2-state exchange model for H/D solvent exchange study
2st_eyring2-state exchange model for temperature-dependent study
3st_eyring3-state exchange model for temperature-dependent study
2st_binding2-state exchange model for ligand binding study
4st_hd4-state exchange model for simultaneous normal and H/D solvent exchange study

Multiple states involved in an exchange process are distinguished with different parameter suffix A, B, C, D, etc. For example, R1_A represents R1 rate of the major state (i.e., ground state), R2_B represents R2 rate of the first minor state, and so on.


For each kinetic model, it is possible to add .mf suffix to create a new kinetic model (e.g., In such kinetic models, model-free parameters (e.g., TAUC_A, S2_A, etc.) are directly fitted instead of each individual relaxation parameter (e.g., R1_A, R2_A, etc.). See CEST_15N_TR/ under Examples/Experiments/ as an example.